The Interactive Slate, also denominated Interactive Digital Slate (PDi) consists of a computer connected to a video-projector, that projects the image of the screen on a surface, from which the computer can be controlled, to make annotations written by hand on any projected image, as well as to keep them, to print them, to send them by electronic mail and to export them to diverse formats.

The Interactive Slate within the framework of the Education.

The accomplishment of supported oral presentations in graphical and sonorous elements is not new but it is known that from always these resources they have been very little exploded although traditionally in the formation of educational recommendations for the adapted use of the slate offer, the laminae, the maps, the videos and the recordings La mayoria of schools continue using devices of century XIX in century XXI primarily.

Digital slate is called to a technological system made up of a computer connected multimedia to Internet and a videoproyector that projects to great size on a screen which shows the monitor of the computer. Although the resources to use in these digital slates can be diverse, are to a great extent used the made ones with publishers of presentations. Libraries of these resources available in the Web exist already.

I suggest to analyze these sites to have one more a finished idea of the reaches of this resource

The positive of the Internet use is that the search is but motivadora from information and that the student can explore and enriqueserce of contents that also can be but novel and present.

Very good me parecio I articulate, I believe that the use of the maquinas is very good as aulico but also concidero complement that the qualification for the use of this tool tenria that to be but complete.

On the other hand the digital slate is a technological system through as professors and students permanently have to their disposition a resource to visualize and to comment of collective way all the information that can provide Internet, the television or any other which they have in any format: presentations multimedia and documents digitized in disc (notes, works of class...), videos, documents in paper (that can capture with simple webcam), etc. In this study the characteristics of this technological system are described, some models of didactic use set out and its great inductive and catalytic power of innovations in the didactic methodologies of the teaching staff is analyzed.

Something positive, since we can have greater, me better and present information of everything seems, not only information with regard to our matter if not to all. Him permitiria to the pupils to have a greater participation, serian but criticos and analiticos.

Advantages of use of each type of Interactive Slate

The PDi has the advantage that is written directly on the own slate, of the same form that becomes on any conventional slate, which does specially simple to use by a professor from the first minute.

The gray shark

The gray shark that became the spectacle of the tourists who visited this week the beach of the Miracle in Tarragona died in L'Aquàrium of Barcelona where she had been transferred, according to informed Wednesday the own center. Escualo, a female of 1.6 meters in length that was captured Monday by technicians of the aquarium of the condal city, was in favor accompanied at any moment of the team of biologists and veterinarians of the center and by submariners which they made turns to control his evolution, said L'Aquàrium in an official notice. Nevertheless, the shark finally passed away between the 2:00 and the 2:30 of the dawn. The equipment of technicians of L'Aquàrium has practiced a autopsy to the body of the animal to be able to determine the causes of the death.

L'art du déplacement


The Parkour (or art of the displacement) is a discipline that consists of moving by urban or natural means, surpassing the obstacles which they appear in your route (fences, walls, emptiness...) of possible the most fluid and efficient form, and with the only possibilities of the human body. This discipline requires a great physical training to make the different movements (jumps, pasavallas, scaling, etc.) that it implies, but in addition it is necessary a decided mind to surpass the own fears, a great concentration, and a strong spirit.


The experienced medical instructors more agree in which the Parkour is a philosophy. Clear it is that there is no a specific and rigid philosophy for the art in particular, but that stops each one means a different thing. For it can simply be a sport with which they are entertained, but they live it, and for other his life it turns around him, others can feel it like an art with which they are expressed, and for others it is a autosuperación philosophy, or to walk ways different from the one from the rest of people, etc. What yes we must consider it is that good traceur never bothers to people or the surroundings, never puts in danger his own life if he is not sure that certain jump is going it to obtain, and never competes against other people. The objective of parkour is the free and fluid movement. A rule in parkour is not to back down. Its motto is: "To be and To last". This means that traceur does not have to put in danger and is surpassed every day, and does not have to compete nor to try to surpass to the others. Parkour is to make a route of possible the easy and effective way but.


His creator is David Belle, whose father, fireman and military man, taught to the Natural call "Método to him of the Georges Hébert" (discipline used in the army in which one looks for to surpass the natural obstacles only using the body) since he was small, along with a military training. David adapted this technique to its routes by its Lisses city, in France, creating an urban version. After entering the body of infantry of the French army, David realizes that is not his and that needs the freedom of the street to be to pleasure. More ahead it will find people who will follow to him in her training, and thus will find to Sébastien Foucan and other members of that first group of traceurs. More ahead, Sébastien emigrated to United Kingdom, where it surprised all with his abilities. For that they follow the idea "original" about Parkour, one is not spectacle, one is not money, it is not no type of vandalism. The fundamental idea is the autosuperación. In numerous sites, the Parkour is seen like a vandalism class that is dedicated to spoil the urban furniture. This idea is completely erroneous.


Called movements exist "tricks" (incorrectly called tricks, because trick would include a kick, to gainer, etc.) that normally they consist of rotations of body of the air like mortals, frontflips, backflips, wallflips, aerials, Arabs, etc... But these movements do not comprise of the Parkour since not only usually they reduce speed, but that is not faithful to the motto of the sport by the risk and the inefficiency that entails. Tricks more usually is used by the people dedicated to XMA (Artes Marciales Extremas) but many traceurs use to add them plasticity and to make an impression in their routes. Nevertheless, to others traceurs they do not like these movements and they omit them at any moment. At this moment in the community of traceurs worldwide there is a great controversy on tricks.

Equipment of ``Traceur´´

The particularitity of this sport is in its simplicity, so single is necessary a comfortable footwear, that it takes hold well with the ground and a good damping. This is specially important dice the great number of hits that all the inferior train takes during the reception of the jumps. As far as the clothes nothing specific is required, simply has to be comfortable clothes that allow the great mobility us to make without ties each movement.


The own movements of parkour characterize by their effectiveness and fluidity. It does not serve as anything to jump a fence with the purpose of raising to the legs the maximum that you can, must be with the purpose of passing it fastest possible. It is necessary to have certain originality with the movements, since cat-precision are many possible linkings, cat-arm, cat-pasavallas, double cat, pasamurallas-to review, lateral reverse-arm, rotations, etc.


Basic reception: The contact with the ground has to be made in order distribute the weight of the impact by all the body. The heels do not have to be called on the ground, better to maintain them slightly high so that they serve as damping. The knees also must be semiflexionadas. The inclined back forwards, with the hands ahead to have prepared them in case it is necessary to use them.

Rotation: This technique will serve as reception to a jump in speed, is a voltereta supported in a shoulder (rolling oblique on the back), that will allow us to evade part of the impact of the fall, after a reception with much inertia towards ahead.

Reception of a precision jump: It will be made with the front part of the plant of the foot (between the ball of the foot and the fingers), semiflexionando the knees and the back so that we distribute the impact of the jump more equitably possible by the body, and also to hold the balance.

Reception of arm jump: It will be made with the front part of the plant of the feet and the hands in the superior part of the obstacle. If it is a fence, the knees will be flexionarán to cushion the impact. In a wall, normally they are let slip the legs until being hung of the wall only with the hands.

Reception in branch: It will be recepcionará solely in a branch with the hands, but letting to us balance to avoid a dry blow in the arms and the back. It is necessary to have well-taken care of of not falling backwards when we are in the front part of the oscillation (the first oscillation).


Pasavallas: Fundamental movement in which we will try to exceed the obstacle of possible the fastest and fluid form supporting a single hand in him; this movement will serve to us as it connects of the race when we are a fence or similar element in our route.

Jump of cat: It is a jump in that we will cross an obstacle supporting to us in him with the hands in parallel during the jump, later to pass the together and flexionadas legs between the hands. It is a movement very used that you will recognize easily. If the hands are left in the obstacle after passing the legs ahead, then call is a chained movement 'gato-rompemuñecas'.

Passage of the cat: Similar to the jump of the single cat which a longer surface is made in one more, where we must stretch to us in the air to arrive at the end of the obstacle, where we will put the hands later to pass the legs between the hollow that these leave.

Double cat: Similar to the passage of the single cat that when arriving at the object first leans the hands of him in the beginning, and when one is by the end of this we become to impel with the hands, soon to pass the legs between the hollow that these leave.

Reverso: This movement tries to cross a fence, railing or wall, being supported to us in her with the hands, and making a turn of 360º positioning the body in horizontal, of backs to the front with the raised legs to prepare a good reception.

Thief: Running oblique towards the obstacle, we do pasavallas where first we put a hand, later we passed the legs stretched, and later the other hand.

Lateral Pasavallas: He is similar to pasavallas and to the thief but in this it is run parallelly and the first hand is put since to do ladron but it skips with the leg that this next to the fence stretching the other upwards at the same time and shrinking the leg with which we have jumped not to enlist it with the fence and finally recepcionando with the prim foot and the other free hand in the fence.

Rompemuñecas: He is like a 'gato frontal', in that the legs go first, prim, and later the hands are put.

Underbar or Franchissement in French: A fence or a hollow under diverse ways goes; generally, we helped ourselves of the hands in the superior part of the hollow to pass the body.


Jump of precision: This it is a jump of 'longitud' without run, in which the aim will be a precise reception in a fence, wall or narrow curb.

Jump of precision: This it is a jump of 'longitud' without run, in which the aim will be a precise reception in a fence, wall or narrow curb.

Long jump: It is a long jump in race.

Jump of bottom: This it is a jump downwards and depending on the inertia towards ahead that takes, he will be advisable a rotation.


Pass-walls: One is to exceed a high wall; run will be needed to arrive at the top the wall, beating a kick on this raising to us, and above we will take hold ourselves with the hands (one and later another one if he is too high) to raise pulse.

Grimpeo: Grimpear in parkour, is a fast scaling, well of a wall with a pronounced inclination, a tree, etc.

Plate (of it irons in French): It consists of arriving at a position where we hold on the hands (to the height of the waist) in a horizontal bar, from a position where we are hung of the hands, stretched totally. It is a force exercise that helps in the pass-walls.

180: One is to give average returned in the air, against an obstacle (wall or fence), to end the hands in him, across, and in a position of which we pruned to off-hook to us.

Released: After 180, to drop itself. It is possible to be returned to give average return in the air to continue running in the same direction.

Tic-Tac: This movement, consists to jump on a fence or wall not very high helping us of some element, or wall that it has in a lateral one, supporting in this a foot to kick that it impels to us.

Balance: In a branch or it sweeps, we will try to hang itself with the hands in, to let to us oscillate. In order to leave towards ahead it is necessary to have well-taken care of of not falling backwards. It is necessary to maintain a balance in that we are able to hold the position in the air, to recepcionar correctly.

Laché (French name): Hung of a high branch, we loosen the hands to recepcionar in another one more loss, maintaining a position in the air that us of balance and damping.

Balance: To make balance in a fence, unemployed or walking in her, to do the pine maintaining the balance...

Quadruped movement: To walk to 'cuatro patas'. If one becomes level with ground or in stairs, it serves like a good physical exercise. In a fine wall or a fence, in addition the balance works (in that case 'equilibrio of gato' is called;).

360º: One is to do a turn of 360º on a support helping us only the hands.

360º reverso: Just like the previous one, only that instead of doing it of face, we will make it of backs to the support. Jump of lion: A jump in which we sent ourselves on the head obstacle, without touching it, to fall superficially in the other side happening and making a rotation in the ground.

Notes and References

In case a reception takes control of the heels, most of the impact would go to stop to the spine, which could produce a serious injury, one hernia discal, a contractura, etc.

Not more of 90º, if we would not be damaging the meniscos of the knees.

At the moment is controversy on the utility, effectiveness and use of 360º's. uses it only of decoration, others to pass obstacles, which considers moral ethically. Others reject it because they do not see utility him.

Enlaces externos

Parkour.NET - Portal de Parkour internacional disponible en 6 idiomas, entre ellos el español. Primera web española de parkour.


Podcasting consists of creating sound archives (generally in format ogg or mp3) and distributing them by means of a file RSS so that it allows to subscribe and to use a program that unloads it so that the user listens to it at the moment that he wants, in a reproducer portátil.Un podcast resembles itself a subscription generally blog spoken in which we received the programs through Internet. Also an advantage of podcast is the possibility of listening in places without cover. Its content is diverse, but usually she is a person speaking on diverse subjects. First it is necessary to unload the sound file. From there, he is something personal.


The trip to Madrid was very educational and entertained for this apart from the visit to monuments, museums, streets ... In the alberge in which we alojavamos we divertiamos in the nights with games or as not with the water wars, but always we cojian and echavan the bronca.Lo that more I like me me had to be five days without parents and surrounded by friends and as not teachers.

The ave runs very much.

80/70s punk

I like the punk because the way of being is not it of the they.
Usually I am wearing dark clothes and the trousers: Today take put a black and red dark jacket and the long jeans, also I have a belt with a bones and a few bracelets of thorns the hair that I like to take it of thorn.Me likes to go out very much to the street with my friends,I go to house friends.
My dormitory decorate this one of a dark colour, I have a poster of a singer, I like the dragoons and the goblins because of it I have statuettes of them, my bed take a card of chess.I have a table to do the cupboard this one I fill of black vests and trousers.


We are not lucky to have the food and the clothes, in the Sahara the children do not have the clothes, the majority they do not have anything of food, none they have medicines. In some centers they ask help we, the only unique thing that we have to do must bring little food or clothes .les we ask a bit of pity and of help. Thank you for his collaboration


The Faults it is the popular denomination of the holidays josefinas, in honor to San Jose boss of the carpenters. It is catalogued as holiday of Tourist International Interest.
The denomination of faults they correspond to the artistic constructions of combustible materials in his set, which figures represent known like ninots and compositions of elements.
In Valencia with the habit of extending the name to all the aspects, also this one spreads to the generic denomination of the festivity like that to the neighbors' group that they constitute the commission fallera, being his members known as absentees and falleras.


The day of san valentin is 14th of February. It is one day in which the lovers express what they feel towards his pair,by means of letters of love, messages SMS, a branch of flowers or they inviting to a romantic night.The most common thing they are cards; they have a great sentimental value.


It is a movie of Hayao Miyazaki's Japanese animation. Ambientada in the medieval Japan, centres on the struggle between the supernatural guardians of a forest and the human beings who need his resources, I dress for the stranger Ashitaka. "Mononoke" is not a name, but a description that can be translated in this context as " avenging spirit ", doing the title of the movie Princess of the Avenging Spirits.

Hayao Miyazaki is a mangaka and the producer of tale (encourages) the Japanese. The director of the popular movies of animation like the trip of Chihiro and the princess Mononoke. Today he is considered by the critique and the public as the best director of animation of the history.


In Spain during the year 2000 for every million women was 2,4 murdered ones for his pairThis index has increased in 27 % between 1997 and 2001. Four of every hundred Spanish women he declares have been ill-treated in the last year, that is to say of 15 " 028.000 18-year-old Spanish major women, 1 " 865.000. These are only the information of surveys provided that it is calculated that 95 % of the aggressions is not denounced.But, besides, of those women who denounce the mistreatment 70 % of them it coexists with the aggressor more than 5 years. It is chilling information that reveal a structural problem that has several and complex aspects.


He was a playwright, poet and actor Englishman.Acquaintance in occasions like the Bard of Avon (or simply The Bard), Shakespeare is considered to be the most important writer in English language and one of the most famous of the universal literature.

The works of Shakespeare have been translated into multitude of languages and his dramatic pieces continue being represented all over the world. Besides, many appointments and neologisms of his works have happened to form a part of the daily use, both in the Englishman and in other languages. With the passage of time, it has been inspected very much on his life, questioning his sexuality, his religious affiliation, and even, the authorship of his works.


Not all the components of the atmosphere contribute to the greenhouse effect. The gases of greenhouse absorb the infrared photons expressed by the soil warmed by the Sun. The energy of these photons is not enough to cause chemical reactions, to break covalent bonds, but simply it increases the energy of rotation and of vibration of the implied molecules. The excess of energy is transferred then to other molecules by the molecular collisions, in the shape of kinetic energy, that is to say of heat, increasing the temperature of the air.


30-12-2006 The band ETA put the bomb in the van, cause : a lot of destroyin the parkin, on the aiport the Madrid-Barajas; a lot of casualty, two dead whose nationality,is ecuatorian: Carlos Alonso Palate and Diego Armando Estacio.

My favorite music's group

My favorite music's group is SISTEM OF A DONW.
I like their music because it is very heavy.
The group is compound the four persons


In the mornig.I get up at seven o'clock and have breakfast. I go to school in my car. I have lunch at school and I go home at half-past four. In the afternoon, I do my homework and watch TV. I don't go to the cinema much, but I watch DVDs.In the evening, I have dinner with my family and I play with my dog.

personal informesion

My name is Vicente,i'm 12 years old.I'm from valencia in la cañada,student a secondary,in school 2.I like basquetball and bike.My favorite food are cheeaps.I have a sister,her name is Paola,she has 7 years old.We live with my parents, Vicente and Sandra.My house not very big but it is comfortable.