The Interactive Slate, also denominated Interactive Digital Slate (PDi) consists of a computer connected to a video-projector, that projects the image of the screen on a surface, from which the computer can be controlled, to make annotations written by hand on any projected image, as well as to keep them, to print them, to send them by electronic mail and to export them to diverse formats.

The Interactive Slate within the framework of the Education.

The accomplishment of supported oral presentations in graphical and sonorous elements is not new but it is known that from always these resources they have been very little exploded although traditionally in the formation of educational recommendations for the adapted use of the slate offer, the laminae, the maps, the videos and the recordings La mayoria of schools continue using devices of century XIX in century XXI primarily.

Digital slate is called to a technological system made up of a computer connected multimedia to Internet and a videoproyector that projects to great size on a screen which shows the monitor of the computer. Although the resources to use in these digital slates can be diverse, are to a great extent used the made ones with publishers of presentations. Libraries of these resources available in the Web exist already.

I suggest to analyze these sites to have one more a finished idea of the reaches of this resource

The positive of the Internet use is that the search is but motivadora from information and that the student can explore and enriqueserce of contents that also can be but novel and present.

Very good me parecio I articulate, I believe that the use of the maquinas is very good as aulico but also concidero complement that the qualification for the use of this tool tenria that to be but complete.

On the other hand the digital slate is a technological system through as professors and students permanently have to their disposition a resource to visualize and to comment of collective way all the information that can provide Internet, the television or any other which they have in any format: presentations multimedia and documents digitized in disc (notes, works of class...), videos, documents in paper (that can capture with simple webcam), etc. In this study the characteristics of this technological system are described, some models of didactic use set out and its great inductive and catalytic power of innovations in the didactic methodologies of the teaching staff is analyzed.

Something positive, since we can have greater, me better and present information of everything seems, not only information with regard to our matter if not to all. Him permitiria to the pupils to have a greater participation, serian but criticos and analiticos.

Advantages of use of each type of Interactive Slate

The PDi has the advantage that is written directly on the own slate, of the same form that becomes on any conventional slate, which does specially simple to use by a professor from the first minute.

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